Yellowstone Park
With water temperatures into the low 70s (Deg. F) it is time to leave the Firehole River. Even the Madison River within is experiencing water temperatures close to the 70s in Deg. F. Good alternatives are the Lamar River drainage in the Northeast corner of the park and the Fall River drainage in the southwest corner.
Now that the Ashton-Flagg Road is open, Beula Lake can be fished and will offer some of the fastest fishing in the park. Shoreline fishing is possible from the inlet to along the east shore. Otherwise packing a flotation device to fish from results in the best fishing. Speckled dun and damsel fly life cycle patterns, small leech and scud patterns bring success when using an intermediate line. Also with this road open there are several access points to fish Fall River in the park where dry stone fly, PMD, and caddis life cycle patterns along with traditional attractor patterns bring success.
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan