Yellowstone Park
Major quality streams in the northeast portion of the park are now in good fishing shape ( green drakes, PMDs, PM caddis, sallys, terrestrial insects increasing) barring thundershowers that muddy the Lamar River in particular. The problem is that the easily accessed portions ( lower Soda Butte Creek, Slough Creek in meadow below the campground and the meadow just above it, Lamar River meadows) are crowded with visiting anglers. Getting to these great waters is also frustrating because of the massive tourist traffic on park roads causing delays which shorten " Time on the Water." Minimize these delays by traveling earlier in the day: the earlier the better. Rewards are lighter tourist traffic and the chance to be first on the water.
Compare this to equivalent or even better quality Fall River Basin streams in the diagonally opposite (Southwest) corner of the Park. These streams ( Fall River and Bechler Rivers, Mountain Ash and Boundary Creeks) have non-existent crowding, especially on walking as far as one would on Slough Creek and the Lamar River to find equal social conditions. And tourist traffic is always minimal. True, Fall River Basin streams are considerably more remote, about 25 miles distant, half over which is gravel, by road from Ashton ID. But therein lies the reason for their giving a better chance of tranquility and an even a better fishing experience.
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan