Yellowstone Park

Firehole River remains star of the show in Park rivers with white millers and PMDs bringing most action. The Gibbon has cleared and lowered enough to offer good fishing. Golden stones are around, and late evening brown drakes are bringing up fish in upper river meadow reaches. Duck Creek's evening brown drake emergence is ongoing. The Madison River is fishing well during AMs when PMDs are active, and evenings when caddisflies take over. Shoshone Lake offers great fishing if you get out in the lake a ways with such as a boat or float tube. Fish are scattered around the lake, but will soon move to weed beds as they grow and host more food. For now, any small leech pattern will do. Fall River Basin you ask? The Ashton-Flagg Road is open, but trails to such as Beula Lake remain with snow. All streams in the Basin are high with run-off. Northeast corner of the park streams (Soda Butte, Lamar, Slough), too. Kinda look like your AM coffee & cream.
Fly Patterns to use:
Project Hopper
Lawson’s PMD
Palomino Caddis Tan