Yellowstone Park

Days with thundershower potential will be your best bet for action. Timbered reaches provide an all-important background during bright days. Meadow reaches are so much fun to fish on such as Boundary, Mountain Ash, and Slough Creeks; Bechler, Fall, Gibbon, and Lamar River. But during these bright days, consider spending more time on their timbered reaches. Use the same patterns you would have for water in the meadows. This time of year be sure to have spruce moth patterns available. And think about getting out of the sack earlier to enjoy the morning trico emergence on most of these streams. It is over by late morning when heat of the day begins setting in. Beula Lake still offers some of the fastest fishing in the Park.
Fly Patterns to use:
Bionic Ant 2.0 Brown
CDC Biot Rusty Spinner
Pheasant Tail Flashback