Yellowstone Park

We hear that Slough Creek is producing like it should for the time of year. That means put most of your efforts on presenting terrestrial patterns. The further upstream you go, the fewer folks you will find fishing. If you are not into walking the several miles needed for a round-trip visit there, try Soda Butte Creek which is also producing well, but expect crowds. The Lamar River is another in the northeast corner of the Park that is fishing well for those presenting terrestrial patterns, but is the most subject to becoming discolored because of thundershowers in its larger drainage. Forget fishing Trout Lake until later in October. On the diagonally opposite end of the Park, Fall River Basin streams remain a bit high for this time of the season, but fish will come up to carefully presented terrestrial patterns. And, yes, Beula Lake still offers, and will continue to offer for weeks to come, some of the fastest fishing in the Park if you present speckled dun, trico, and damselfly life cycle patterns.
Fly Patterns to use:
Bionic Ant 2.0 Brown
CDC Biot Rusty Spinner
Pheasant Tail Flashback