Yellowstone Park

It's terrestrial season on most of Park streams. Want to see how good your skills are with terrestrial patterns? Here's a few " graduate school for fly fishers" waters this time of year: Duck Creek, meadow reaches of Bechler River, meadow reaches of Fall River, Slough Creek, Soda Butte Creek, Lewis River below Lewis Falls and between Lewis & Shoshone lakes, and the meadow reaches of the Gibbon River. Want to try some small Park streams with good chances of action and the same with respect to solitude? Try Polecat Creek just west of the South Entrance, Cascade Creek, a tributary to Fall River off the Ashton-Flagg Road, or Winter Creek in the upper Gardner River Drainage. If you prefer still waters, we have been saying it all along: Beula Lake offers some of the fastest fishing in the Park. Speckled dun and midge activities make for gulper action. Any time now flying ants will be around, and every fish in the lake will be near the surface looking for them making for even better gulper action. You can find action almost as fast on Riddle Lake, too.
Fly Patterns to use:
Bionic Ant 2.0 Brown
CDC Biot Rusty Spinner
Pheasant Tail Flashback