Yellowstone Park

We received an announcement from Park fisheries personnel.

Attention Trout Anglers on Yellowstone Lake

"Beginning August 18th, 140 lake trout in Yellowstone Lake will be tagged with an internal transmitter. All lake trout in this study will have their adispose fin removed. The chemical used to anesthetize tagged trout requires a 21-day wthdrawal period prior to human consumption. Lake trout without an adipose fin caught in Yellowstone Lake prior to September 21, 2011 should not be consumed. Please report your catch and return tag to an NPS Ranger Station (Fisheries Program PO Box 168, Yellowstone NP, WY 82190).
Fly Patterns to use:
Bionic Ant 2.0 Brown
CDC Biot Rusty Spinner
Pheasant Tail Flashback