Yellowstone Park
Recent rains have raised flows significantly in Fall River Basin streams. This will prolong wet fly fishing as the most effective way to encounter the great cutthroat-rainbow hybrids there. Looks like hoppers will not be important in meadow reaches for a while. These have to dry out for that to happen. Beula Lake is producing well. Float tubing is the best way to get into action from the native Yellowstone cutthroat population. You will have to carry that tube 2.75 miles up the trail to do so, but those cutts make the effort worth it.
Fly Patterns to use:
Bionic Ant 2.0 Brown
CDC Biot Rusty Spinner
Pheasant Tail Flashback
Fly Patterns to use:
Bionic Ant 2.0 Brown
CDC Biot Rusty Spinner
Pheasant Tail Flashback