The Batman Nymph is an attractor Variation one of the most popular nymphs of all time. The Prince nymph. We Use this fly most when the stoneflies start hatching. However, it works great all year round in smaller sizes, especially as a dropper or anchor fly on a euro rig.
Material List
Hook: TMC 3761 Nymph & Wet Fly Hook - 10
Hook (Alternate): Fulling Mill 1710 - Nymph Special - 10
Bead: Plummeting Tungsten Beads - Classic Colors - 5/32" (3.8mm) - Gold
Bead (Alternate 1): Firehole Stones Plated Slotted Tungsten Beads - 4.0mm (5/32") - Gold
Thread : Semperfli Classic Waxed Thread - 12/0 - Black
Thread (Alternate 1): UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier - Black
Tail: Stripped Goose Biots - Brown
Tail (Alternate 1): Nature's Spirit Stripped Goose Biots - Brown
Wire: Semperfli Tying Wire - 0.3 - Ice Blue
Wire (Alternate 1): UTC Ultra Wire - Brassie Size - Blue
Body: Ice Dub - UV Black
Body (Alternate 1): Hends UV Ice Dubbing - Black
Wing: Nature's Spirit Stripped Goose Biots - Black
Wing (Alternate 1): Stripped Goose Biots - Black
Collar : Hareline - Premium CDC (Cul De Canard) - Black #11
Collar (Alternate 1): Nature's Spirit CDC - Black
Legs: Senyo's Fusion Foil Legs - Standard - Barred Blue and Purple Foil
Legs (Alternate 1): Silicone Flutter Legs - BlackMaterials & Alternate Materials Listed Below