This has been his #1 confidence fly for the past decade. It's a pretty simple pattern to tie but very effective. The effectiveness of the pattern comes from the various flies it imitates. Works well on Tailwaters, as a dropper under a dry fly or fished deep under an indicator. This fly has caught fish all over the world. Especially effective in New Zealand and Iceland.
Material List
Hook: TMC 2487 Emerger Hook - 16 - 25 Pack
Bead: Fulling Mill Tungsten Beads - Silver - 2.4mm
Bead (Alternate 1): Firehole Stones Plated Tungsten Beads - Sterling Silver - 2.5mm (3/32")
Thread: UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier - Black
Tail: Ringneck Pheasant Tail - Black
Tail (Alternate): Spanish Coq De Leon - Pardo
Rib: Semperfli Tying Wire - 0.2 - Bright Silver
Thorax: Hareline Squirrel Hair Dubbing - Black
Wing Case: Danville's Rayon 4 Strand Floss - Red
Wing Case: 54 Dean Street - Ovale Pure Silk Floss - Red
Legs: Krystal Flash - BlackMaterials & Alternate Materials Listed Below