Ice Wing Pupa
Cheech - September, 2014

There aren't many times that I catch fish faster than when the fish are keying on caddis pupae in the summer time. Because of this, I really love fishing caddis pupa patterns and I typically have about 1,297 of them in my boxes. The thing about caddis patterns is that you need a pretty wide variety in order to ensure that you have the bug that the fish want on a given day. Instead of trying to dial in each exact specie and type of bug, I just carry a few shades and sizes of green/olive, amber, tan, and orange. The ice wing caddis is designed to be tied in bulk and many of the fine details (wing pads, antennae, etc) are omitted in order to make it a quicker tie. Guess what? The fish don't care. It reminds me of a little saying that a good buddy told me "If it looks like a caddis pupa, and it talks like a caddis pupa, you are drunk. Caddis pupae don't talk." This fly is similar to our Ice Wing caddis dry fly that we posted a few days ago.
To sum it up. Fish eat this fly. The end.
~ Cheech
- Hook: Daiichi 1120 - Heavy Wire Scud Hook - 14
- Bead: Plummeting Tungsten Beads - Gold - 7/64" (2.8mm)
- Thread: UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier - Olive
- Body: Veevus Pearl Tinsel - Large
- Body: Body & Rib Tubing - Olive - Midge
- Wing: Ice Dub - Olive Brown
- Collar: Arizona Synthetic Dubbing - Hare's Ear