Ice Wing Pupa

Cheech - September, 2014

There aren't many times that I catch fish faster than when the fish are keying on caddis pupae in the summer time. Because of this, I really love fishing caddis pupa patterns and I typically have about 1,297 of them in my boxes. The thing about caddis patterns is that you need a pretty wide variety in order to ensure that you have the bug that the fish want on a given day. Instead of trying to dial in each exact specie and type of bug, I just carry a few shades and sizes of green/olive, amber, tan, and orange. The ice wing caddis is designed to be tied in bulk and many of the fine details (wing pads, antennae, etc) are omitted in order to make it a quicker tie. Guess what? The fish don't care. It reminds me of a little saying that a good buddy told me "If it looks like a caddis pupa, and it talks like a caddis pupa, you are drunk. Caddis pupae don't talk." This fly is similar to our Ice Wing caddis dry fly that we posted a few days ago.
To sum it up. Fish eat this fly. The end.

~ Cheech

Material List
  • Hook: Daiichi 1120 - Heavy Wire Scud Hook - 14
  • Bead: Plummeting Tungsten Beads - Gold - 7/64" (2.8mm)
  • Thread: UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier - Olive
  • Body: Veevus Pearl Tinsel - Large
  • Body: Body & Rib Tubing - Olive - Midge
  • Wing: Ice Dub - Olive Brown
  • Collar: Arizona Synthetic Dubbing - Hare's Ear
Materials & Alternate Materials Listed Below
UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier
UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier

UTC Ultrathread 70 Denier

Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub
Ice Dub

Ice Dub

Plummeting Tungsten Beads - Classic Colors
Plummeting Tungsten Beads - Classic Colors

Plummeting Tungsten Beads - Classic Colors

Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing
Body & Rib Tubing

Body & Rib Tubing

Veevus Pearl Tinsel
Veevus Pearl Tinsel

Veevus Pearl Tinsel

Daiichi 1120 - Heavy Wire Scud Hook
Daiichi 1120 - Heavy Wire Scud Hook

Daiichi 1120 - Heavy Wire Scud Hook

Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
Arizona Synthetic Dubbing

Arizona Synthetic Dubbing
