Masked Marauder 2.0
Cheech, April 2022

One summer as I was in-between jobs, I found myself working part time at a fly shop and fishing a LOT. That was the summer that Mickey Anderson and I would talk about stonefly nymphs, fly design, and look at his awesome pictures of bugs that he would find. This was between customers of course... Anyway Mick had started to notice that the fish would eat a skwala stonefly nymph really well if the fly was tied with really dark on top and really light on the bottom. This two toned effect made it's way on to my vise in the form of the Masked Marauder many years back, and it's available now through Fulling Mill. Like many of our flies, we keep tweaking designs and this has updated shell back material, tails, and a few techniques in construction. I really like this color combo and a dark brown/black combo as well. I usually tie this fly in size 8-12.