Not a Pink Worm
Cheech - August, 2023

Ok Ok... We get it. This fly is about as filthy as it gets, but it's still not as dirty as a pink rubber worm (if you know a guide on the South Fork of the Snake, just ask them). Jokes aside, the fish are really keying on these bugs right now and I've heard everything from daphnia to eggs, but one thing is for certain, I'm going to try it in different colors and on different rivers! This is kind of a modified blob fly tied on a jig hook and it has a very large bead to help it get down in faster currents. The x-factor of this fly is the flexi squishenille that has a ton of little rubber legs baked into it. Yup - she moves! there are a lot of callibaetis or snails around. Here's the technique for them. Get em' low and pull em' slow!