Build a Better Bugger
Cheech - June, 2013

Ithink that most fly fishers will agree that the wooly bugger is one of the most versatile flies that can be fished, and it it responsible for catching many different species of fish. In this version of the bugger, I focus on making the fly have more movement in the water, and have better durability for multiple fish days. I first started tying buggers like this when I would fish Strawberry Reservoir in Utah a lot. There are HUGE Bear Lake Cutthroat with pretty big teeth in there, and if I didn't reinforce my buggers they would rarely make it past two or three fish. This method is nothing new, but it is a simple way to build a better bug.
- Hook: Daiichi 1710 - 2X Long Nymph Hook - 6
- Thread: Danville Flat Waxed Nylon Thread - 70 Denier - Black
- Tail: Fish Hunter Premium Strung Marabou - Black
- Ribbing: UTC Ultra Wire - Copper Brown - Brassie
- Body: Speckled Chenille - Midnight Fire
- Hackle: Fish Hunter Select Schlappen - Black