My Mayhem Minnow is a killer jigged streamer that has had great success in the Eastern Idaho and Western Wyoming regions. The goal of this fly was to be heavy enough to not necessarily need to use a sink tip line, but still light enough to fish on your 5-6 weight fly rod. The Streamer Straggle core and rubber legs add some attractive flash and movement to this fly, while the Bruiser blend, rabbit zonker, and marabou build a great "minnow-esque" taper. The featured color combo is supposed to give "baby rainbow" vibes, but this is an easy one to mix up the colors. Brown and yellow, black and purple, chartreuse and white, the possibilities are ENDLESS!
Material List
Hook: Fulling Mill 5130 Jig Force Long Barbless Hook - 8
Hook (Alternate): Kumoto KJ2322 60 Degree Jig Hook - 8
Bead: Hareline Slotted Tungsten Beads - Metallic Colors - Metallic Light Pink - 7/32" (5.5mm)
Bead (Alternate): Hareline Slotted Tungsten Beads - Metallic Colors - Metallic Brown - 7/32" (5.5mm)
Thread: SemperFli Nano Silk Ultra Fine 50D 12/0 - White
Thread (Alternate): Semperfli Classic Waxed Thread - 12/0 - White
Tail 1: Fulling Mill Premium Marabou Blood Quills - Fl. White
Tail 1 Alt.: Fulling Mill Premium Marabou Blood Quills - Dark Golden Olive
Tail 2: Rabbit Zonker Strips - Dark Olive
Tail 2 Alt: Fulling Mill Rabbit Zonker Strips - Brown
Body: Fulling Mill Metallic Streamer Straggle - Jumbo - Silver Light Pink
Body Alt.: Fulling Mill Metallic Streamer Straggle - Jumbo - Gold Fl. Sunburst
Leg 1: Loco Legs - Bonefish Pink
Leg 1 Alt: Perfectly Barred Chrome Sili Legs - Gold/Pumpkin
Leg 2: Grizzly Micro Legs - Smoke
Leg 2 Alt: Sili Legs - Brown/Black Flake
Head 1: Bruiser Blend Dubbing - Dark Olive
Head 1 Alt: Bruiser Blend Dubbing - Brown
Head 2: Bruiser Blend Dubbing - White
Head 2 Alt: Bruiser Blend Dubbing - Butter Belly
Materials & Alternate Materials Listed Below