Sculpin Toad
Cheech - February 6, 2020
I have to admit... I love creating flies anyway, but the way this fly came into existence has been a pretty cool process that I won't forget anytime soon. Also, you will see kind of how my twisted brain works when I'm presented with a challenge or a new material. Last fall (2019) we decided to attend IFTD (International Fly Tackle Dealer show) in Denver to see all the latest greatest wares in the fly fishing industry. Along with a very cool show of many types of products, there was also an "iron fly" competition, and Curtis DEMANDED that I participate. In all honesty, I love doing stuff like that because it's just raw creativity thrown onto a hook. Long story short, the winning fly for the competition was a Tarpon Toad-ish pattern tied out of nasty craft fur taken from a large stuffed monkey... Yeah, weird right? Anyway, that fly was kind of half sculpin and half tarpon toad, and after passing that fly to the judges, the wheels in my head started to spin as to how I would tie this fly if I had all the materials that I would normally use on something like a "Sculpin Toad." I spent a good month dialing, tweaking, and tying this pattern until I passed it to a good buddy Derek Bowles for testing. Make sure to watch the video to see an awesome fish he caught on the fly, and also to see a good underwater swim video of it... I'm sure this fly will get a few more changes down the road, but for now I'm really happy with how it performs. Since the filming of this bug, I had a chance to test if for myself, and it was better than I ever thought it would be... The tying video for this one is a bit long, but I think it was important to show exactly how to do each step in the process instead of leaving it all to guesswork. Bear with us on the length of this video because it's worth it in our opinion. As a bonus we added a video that shows one of the most amazing streamer floats we have ever had on the Green River, and the Sculpin Toad was responsible for many fish! ~ Cheech
- Hook: Fulling Mill 36040 Streamer Stripper - 1
- Thread: Danville Flat Waxed Nylon Thread - 140 Denier - Olive
- Beads: Plummeting Tungsten Beads - Gold - 3/16" (4.6mm)
- Connection Wire: Senyo Intruder Trailer Hook Wire - Black - Regular
- Flash: Polar Flash - 2010 - Gold
- Body: EP Fibers - Olive
- Body: EP Fibers - Brown
- Body: EP Fibers - Black
- Tail: Magnum Rabbit Strips - Olive Variant
- Resin/Eyes: Loon UV Colored Fly Finish - Black
- Resin/Body: Loon UV Colored Fly Finish - Hot Yellow
- Bulk Bead Option: Tungsten Bomb Beads 100 Pack - Gold - 3/16" (4.6mm)
- Super Glue: Fly Tyer's Z-Ment
- Tools Used: Loon Ergo Comb, Fiskars 5" Micro-Tip Scissors, Chicone's Material & Fly Prep Station