After tying and fishing the Sloptimus Prime (See video HERE), I wanted to create something a little simpler and smaller. This is still definitely on the larger side of baitfish, but its a step down from it's big brother. It has a very lightweight chassis, and can easily be thrown with a 7 or 8 weight rod all day. Best of all is that it uses minimal materials and it can be tied in hundreds of color combinations.
Material List
Hook: Gamakatsu B10S - 2/0 - 25 Pack
Hook (Alternate): Fulling Mill 36040 Streamer Stripper - 2/0
Thread: 210 Denier Waxed Danville Flymaster Plus - Black #11
Thread (Alternate): UTC Ultrathread 210 Denier - Black
Body: Medium Badger Flexi Squishenille UV - Fl. Hot Yellow #142
Body (Alternate): Medium Badger Flexi Squishenille UV - Fl. Chartreuse #127
Body Fibers: Flash 'N Slinky - Electric Yellow
Body Fibers (Alternate): Flash 'N Slinky - Chartreuse
Brush: EP Craft Fur Brush - 3" - Chartreuse/Black
Brush (Alternate): EP Craft Fur Brush - 3" - Chartreuse/Chartreuse
Keel : Lead Wire Spool - 0.03Materials & Alternate Materials Listed Below